Home / News / Woman ends up half naked after treadmill fall strips off her pants

Woman ends up half naked after treadmill fall strips off her pants

Aug 30, 2023Aug 30, 2023

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It was a NSFW — not-safe-for-workout — scene.

An Illinois exercise enthusiast was literally caught with her pants down after she took a tumble on the gym treadmill and ended up with her leggings around her ankles.

Footage of the embarrassing pratfall is currently blowing up on the woman's Instagram page.

"I was just running at the gym and my pants got sucked off!" Alyssa Konkel, 26, told Compass Media of the humiliating comedy of errors, which occurred while she went for a run at the gym last month.

She had reportedly set the machine to "level 10," which was admittedly "very fast," according to the Illinois native.

Nonetheless, Konkel never expected her exercise sesh to end so catastrophically.

The accompanying footage starts off typically enough with the gym bunny, clad in a hot-pink tank top and leggings, sprinting at a breakneck pace on the workout machine.

All of a sudden, Konkel trips and falls to her knees on the still-running conveyor belt.

Fortunately, she's initially able to stop herself from flying off by grabbing the treadmill's handles and holding on for dear life, like someone clinging to a cliff's edge over a roaring river.

Unfortunately, the destructive force of the conveyor belt on her knees proves to be too great.

The treadmill ends up pulling her leggings right down, exposing her briefest of undergarments to fellow gymgoers, before sending her rocketing off as if shot from an automated pitching machine.

The "Jackass"-esque clip concludes with the mortified woman getting back to her feet as a fellow gymgoer rushes to her aid.

The Samaritan then backs off, presumably because she wanted to give Konkel privacy after getting pantsed by the machine.

It's unclear what sparked the disastrous chain reaction, however, Konkel claimed: "When I watched the video back … I saw my shoelace was untied and I tripped and fell."

"I hurt myself — my face, lip, knees and shins are skinned," added the gymgoer, who said she was "so embarrassed" she had to "leave immediately."

The one silver lining was the facility was "not too busy," and the person in the video who approached her afterward asked if she was OK, according to Konkel.

The epic accident had social media in hysterics. "Mate good on you for posting it because this is funny as f – – k and you made my day," chortled one bemused viewer.

Another wrote, "Nothing better than laughing at yourself and then sharing so we can laugh with you. you’re a rockstar."

"Thanks for sharing," said another. "I’ve never laughed that hard in my life. It's all our worst fears at the gym coming true. Glad you’re alright!"

"Luckily that treadmill just stopped you with a warning by confiscating your pants and not going for your underwear too," joked one Instagram wit.

Unfortunately, this isn't Konkel's first rodeo. "This also happened when I was 10 years old and skinned my chin, so now I’m really afraid of treadmills," she said.

It's unclear when she plans to return to the gym to seek tread-emption.

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